
Author: Amy /

Due to numerous hours of trying to create the correct video for the band we came to a conclusion that our music video for The Crookes was going to be something very different, a video that could be seen as going against convention and a video that is both poetic and imaginative. Due to the huge inspiration from the Maccabees video 'Toothpaste kisses' we decided that the only way of giving the Crookes poetic and beautifully written song justice was to use imagery as a way of telling a story; a narrative to match the Crookes lyrics.
We began to collect our own personal photographs from our older generations, photographs which came from the 1950s; the era of which the band focus themselves on, by collecting photographs from our families, this again tied in with the theme of family roots and being British. The Crookes as mentioned previously got their band name from the road they were living on when the band formed, a very personal thing. We went against conventions for our video and felt that this was neccessary to give The Crookes justice; the main influence for our decision to do this was the Maccabees video 'Toothpaste Kisses'. We knew that this poetic and imagery based video was perfect for us. We went against the convention of using filmed footage and instead had our intire video consisting of animation, this made our video unique and perfect for our band. The video still evokes the style of the band, due to the 1950s photographs that we used, it gave the band added background- pop/indie band influenced by this era. Our track 'Chorus Of Fools' is about a relationship that is dying out and being reformed again; due to this we obviously wanted to portray this as our main theme and by doing this we wanted to use our photographs and animation to tell the story. Todorov is a Bulgarian structuralist, mainly concerned with linguistic who began to produce influential work on narrative from the 1960s onwards. I believe that his theory relates greatly to my video, Chorus of Fools by The Crookes. His theory consists of three parts Equilibrium, Dis-Equilibrium and New-Equilibrium. The Equilibrium is the normal state of the beginning of the text. My video has a clear beginning; the couple are introduced, their love for each other is made very clear by animations such as love hearts and doves. However, as we reach the middle of the song we see the ‘Dis-Equilibrium’ this is when we see a break up in the happy couples relationship. We made this clear by having animation of pictures torn up, rain and clouds (pathetic phallacy) and sad faces. There is then a clear ending ‘New-Equilibrium’ this is when the couple resolve their conflict and their love for each other is rekindled. This is again clearly reinforced by the animations that we used. I believe for these reasons Todorov narrative theory relates greatly to my video.
There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the lyrics.- There is a relationship between the music and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the music.- Genres are complex and diverse in terms of music video style and iconography. There is a clear relationship between the lyrics and the visuals in our music video. With the video consisting of animation and imagery the photographs and brush tools that we included in our video have a clear relationship with the lyrics. Throughout the video certain lyrics are represented by animated scenes to enhance the lyrics and create and relationship. Also a certain points in the video we have included words and text which reflect certain lyrics and again enhances the importance of the lyrics due to it holding the essence of the narrative.
There is also a clear relationship between the Music and the Visuals. At the beginning of the song the beat is slow and subtle and the imagery and animation that we used worked in relation to this. However as we reach the climax of the song the beat begins to increase and the track gets quicker in speed. Due to this we also enhanced the speed of our animation and also reversed particular parts of animation to show the dramatic change in the music and the visuals. Due to this change there is definitely a clear relationship between the music and the visuals in our music video for the Crookes, Chorus of Fools. Due to the obvious style of the band we knew that we had to portray them in a way to reinforce this style and attitude that the band already has in order to give them justice and to represent them correctly. We took note on the 50s era that the band has the huge influence of literature. Our video clearly incorporates this feeling and style and we did this on purpose. Throughout our video we kept to a certain style, our font was all the same, we kept to the sepia and greyscale theme and used photographs from the same era. Due to the band and the video having such a distinctive feel and style i knew that my ancillary texts would also have to carry this on-going theme.
(I have kept the same house style in my magazine article and used images and fonts that evoke the 1950s era. My digipak also consists of photographs which were used in my video and carrys the same style. I have continued using the same font, same sepia tone and overall theme of the band. I am aware of the importance of this as it is the main ways of promoting the band; if this was not done effectively then i may not be approaching my corect target audience. The combination of the main product and the ancillary texts has enabled me to develope the band further and really portray them the correct way. It gives the band added depth and gives them the chance to appeal to their target audience greater.)
The process of creating the animation in our music video was a very big challenge for us. Having never used Adobe Premiere Pro before, using it to create our whole music video was bith very challenging and demanding. However, once we got the grips with the basics we started to develop our initial ideas and made full use of the software. I believe that our development in skills is achknowledgable in our video; this is evident in the transitions from section to section and this is what may let our video down. However, i loved how much we got out of this project as not only did we develop our skills we also devloped our ideas and without this challenge of using this software this may not have been done. The editing of our music video was very demanding and time consuming, however the hard work payed off in the end! As you can see the animation is smooth and fluent and this is what we wanted, again being inspired by the Maccabees video 'Toothpaste kisses'.
Due to The Crookes being a young, unsigned band with the pop/indie vibe that they carry i knew that they would have a strong target audience. I believe that the target audience for The Crookes would people aged between 15-30 who have an interest in bands. Due to their 'folk and indie' vibes that the band have i believe that this would also be a strong target audience for the band. I know that knowing your target audience is very important when making a music video and portraying the band. The video has to match the style and theme of the band and their track. This is why we found that using photographs from the 1950s and the sepia tone would be most affective, it works great in combination with the track and should therefore appeal to the bands target audience. To make sure that this was put across i created a small survey to ask my audience wether they thought i did a good job and wether they thought my video was affective.

The feedback that i collected from my survey of my music video was very positive. I was very pleased with how my video turned out after months of hard work and knowing that it appeals to its target audience makes it worth while. Athough we had lots of creative ideas i knew that they had to appeal to the audience and match the style of the band. My feedback has proved that this was done as all the people in my survey believed that the animation was the strongest part of our video. We knew that this would be a risk due to it going strongly against conventions of a music video but the risk paid off. Although all of my feedback was positive, due to me and my group making the video there are still parts that i feel could be improved or adjusted to make it that little bit better. Due to the success of the animation i would love to develop on this, as our skills on Adobe Premiere Pro have devloped we now feel more confident with the programme and therefore i would love to add to the animition that already exsists.
I have learnt that audience feedback is very important, it is a goood way in communicating with your audience, it is positive to know what works well and what can be improved, it gives you direction and makes the hard work pay off.
There were many media technologies that i used in tis project, and most of them i had never used before. By using new media technologies and software i was learning and developing my skills throughout the project. As we came to the last few weeks i felt very confident with the media technologies, ecspecially Adobe Premiere. When using Adobe Premiere Pro i used many defferent effects to create the animation that i wanted. I have listed these in my earlier post. However i also used any other media technoligies when completing this project. I used social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace to develop research of the band as they our connected to both these sites, as well as Twitter. Due to The Crookes touring whilst we were completing this project we had to gather secondary research to connect with the band and by using the social networking sites this was made possible. I also used their MySpace page as a way to gather background information aswell as everyday information about the band. Their site includes track demos, touring dates, their own blog including their thoughts; their activities and their song lyrics, other peoples comments and views of the band, images and photographs of the band and other web links. MySpace was very good in letting us connect with the band and really understand them, or how they want to be portrayed to their audience. I also used Hotmail to email and cumminicate with band again emailing was the best way to cummunicate due to their busy touring scheduele. Ialso used List FM and YouTube to hear their tracks and see the band at gigs again all developing and expanding my knowledge of the band. I also used everyday sites such as google, wikipedia and survey monkey. I have also used NING and Blogger to display my work and i have loved blogging! As mentoned earlier Adobe Premiere Pro was my biggest source of digital technologies however Photoshop also played a vital role in my project. Using this as a way of cutting/ cropping and generally editing my photographs was very important.
I have enjoyed the creativity and freedom that this project has given me and have loved using so many different media technologies. Although using animatio throughout my music video was very time-consuming, demaning and challenging i believed it has payed off and our vdeo is very unique and unconventional which i believe acts perfectly in line with The Crookes. I believe the inspiration that we had from the Maccabees video is very evident, yet we devloped and changed their ideas to make them our own and to match the genre and style of our music band opposed to The Maccabees. This project has enabled me to develop numerous amounts of skills. It has given me the chance to work in a group; enabling me to sit back and take charge when neccassary. It has also developed my skills of certain technologies and has made me feel much more confident to use certain programmes to their full potential. The project has also enabled me to enhance my research and development skills. Using various different social networking sites as well as technology has made me interested in this field of work. I love how creative and inspired this has made me and enabled me to be, my love of visual creativy has worked well in this project and i love how i got to use this. Overall i am very happy with how my music video turned out as well as my pre production work. I Hope i have given The Crookes the justice that they deserve.

Magazine article

Author: Amy /

As a new up-coming band promotion is very very important in getting the band noticed to the public. Promoting your band correctly is the key to your band. Without promotion your band would never et notices, not in large quantitiies anyways. With the use of Photoshop and other technologies today ceating the correct article to promotre your band can be very creative and therefore effective. In the magazine article you need to connect with the correct target audience for your band, not only should this be done in the design of your article it also needs to be placed in the correct magazine. A magazine with the correct target audience for your band. Due to the use of imagery and photographs for The Crookes i thought this would be the best way of keeping to their house style and again this now acts as a logo for the band, this is how they are continaully represented and this is how the audience will recognise the band. I have kept the magazine advertisment very simple yet eye-catching. I have kept to the sepia tone affect which runs through my promotional work for the band. Again i have used the red font colour as it works well in contrast to the sepia background. I have used the image which is the front cover of The Crookes digipak to make it relevant. I had included the release date and the forms in whch you can buy the debut album. I have also included two logos for Amazon and HMV as these are places in which you can purchase the new release. The magazine article is conventional yet eye-catching and represents the band in the correct way, appealing to the correct target audience.

I think the best magazine artcicles are simple yet eye-catching. I wanted my magazine article to have a simple layout and bold catching titles. I wanted THE CROOKES to stand out as after all this is the band im promoting. However, i also wanted to incude quotes from the band and an image which brands the band.
I think the magazine article is perfect for the band, it represents and promotes them in the correct way and relates strongly to the image of the band and how i/they want to be percieved to their target audience. I am very pleased with the final outcome of it.

My digipak for The Crookes...

Author: Amy /

Digipak is a patented style of compact disc or DVD packaging, and is a registered trademark of AGI Media, a MeadWestvaco, Inc. resource, which acquired the original trademark holder, IMPAC Group, Inc., in 2000. MeadWestvaco licensed the name and designs to manufacturers around the world. Digipaks typically consist of a gatefold (book-style) paperboard or card stock outer binding, with one or more plastic trays capable of holding a CD or DVD attached to the inside. Since Digipaks were among the first alternatives to jewel cases to be used by major record companies, and because there is no other common name for Digipak-style packaging made by other companies, the term digipak or Digi-Pak is often used generically, even when the media holder is a hub or "Soft Spot" rather than a full plastic tray. Digipak-style packaging is often used for CD singles or special editions of CD albums and the tall DVD Digipak (DVDigipak) is used as a premium package for DVDs and DVD sets. Because such packaging is less resistant to abrasion than jewel cases, it tends to show signs of wear relatively quickly. Licensed digipak manufacturers such as domestic U.S. printer and disc replicator Oasis Disc Manufacturing recommend coating the raw printed paper with a protective UV coating, thus ensuring greater longevity. Although less vulnerable to cracking than a jewel case, the disc tray inside the package (particularly the "teeth" of the hub which secure the disc in place) remains rather brittle and is prone to cracking if the package is crushed. Digipak-style cases grew in popularity among record labels and recording artists in the early 2000s. Manufacturers have sought to reduce environmental impact and improve functionality by introducing recycled components into its trays; one has announced a 100% post-consumer PET tray made from recycled bottles, which also eliminates the need for the brittle "teeth". Many printers use recycled or sustainable material for the board stock. Historically, Digipak was only available in large quantities. However, AGI has recently introduced a new product called digipak i-create for the consumer market. Digipak i-create is a web-supported concept that is aimed at the download, music, photo and creative markets.
- Wikipedia research.

Knowing that my digipak had a big influence of selling the single for The Crookes made my decisions into the design of the digipak vry hard. I wanted to keep to the feeling and theme of The Crookes as knew that the best way in doing this would be to include photographs and text that feautured in my music video for the band. Still wanting to evoke that 50s feeling and to crate the sense of the indie/old vibe that The Crookes have i kept my digipak in the Film tone. I choose to create a digipak which consists of 6 panels. I liked this design as i wanted to include as many pictures which i believe represent the band as possible. I also needed to include text which includes the tracks on the CD, background infromation about the band and other detaisl including the management team etc. All of these things listed above are what you expect to see in a digipak so i wanted mine to include these too.

My front cover of the digipak consists of an original image which i believe represents the band very well. It creates that 50s love vibe and adds that cheeky, young feeling that The Crookes carry. I also decided to use this image as my front cover as it is an impotant photograph which features in Chorus of Fools music video, for The Crookes. I used the same font which is used to represent the band, 'The Crookes' is constantly used in this font and acts as they logo. I wanted to keep my digipak simple as i think that the photographs hold significance to the band and represent them very well. I chose to use a lense blur cover on my photograph and only make the boys and girls face clear lense to put emhpasis on the importance of the two. It also adds effect to the front cover making it more eye-catching. I used red font as i belive it works very well with the sepia tone background and also is a fun, loving colour again representing the band. The middle insert of the front panel lists the tracks on the CD. The back insert on the front panel includes quotes and reviews of the band as i believe this is an important thing to include in the digipak. It also includes the basic barcode and other labels which are coventional on a digipak.

The back panel again keeps to the house style and consists of more origianl images from the 1950s. I have included some background information of the band, due to them being up and coming i think it is important to include this information to make them connect to their target audience. I believe my digipak acts very well with the band and the music video which i created for them. They all have a clue house style and i believe that this is very important when promoting a band. I needed to reach out to the correct target audience as well as sell the band for who they are; a 50s pop/indie band. I hope that i have achieved this.

La la la, relationships...

Author: Amy /

There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the lyrics.- There is a relationship between the music and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the music.- Genres are complex and diverse in terms of music video style and iconography. There is a clear relationship between the lyrics and the visuals in our music video. With the video consisting of animation and imagery the photographs and brush tools that we included in our video have a clear relationship with the lyrics. Throughout the video certain lyrics are represented by animated scenes to enhance the lyrics and create and relationship. Also a certain points in the video we have included words and text which reflect certain lyrics and again enhances the importance of the lyrics due to it holding the essence of the narrative.
There is also a clear relationship between the Music and the Visuals. At the beginning of the song the beat is slow and subtle and the imagery and animation that we used worked in relation to this. However as we reach the climax of the song the beat begins to increase and the track gets quicker in speed. Due to this we also enhanced the speed of our animation and also reversed particular parts of animation to show the dramatic change in the music and the visuals. Due to this change there is definitely a clear relationship between the music and the visuals in our music video for the Crookes, Chorus of Fools.

Audience Feedback

Author: Amy /

Click here to take survey

Due to The Crookes being a young, unsigned band with the pop/indie vibe that they carry i knew that they would have a strong target audience. I believe that the target audience for The Crookes would people aged between 15-30 who have an interest in bands. Due to their 'folk and indie' vibs that the band have i believe that this would also be a strong target audience for the band. I know that knowing your target audience is very important when making a music video and portraying the band. The video has to match the style and theme of the band and their track. This is why we found that using photographs from the 1950s and the sepia tone would be most affective, it works great in combination with the track and should therefore appeal to the bands target audience. To make sure that this was put across i created a small survey to ask my audience wether they thought i did a good job and wether they thought my video was affective.

Here is the feedback that we recieved from the band after they watched our music video:
“We really felt that you managed to capture the essence of our band and what we want to portray in regards to the artistic value. The animation effects really help to reflect the song and we think that the narrative that you have communicated is very effective and fits in with the lyrics. We really like what you have done with the video and it fits in very well with our sound; the narrative really helps to show off our lyrics and especially towards the ending, it adds impact to the music. The music video ties in great with us as a band and you have included our lyrical background through the narrative of the animation. The only criticism would relate to the femininity of the video, but this aspect is what fits with the narrative. Overall we loved the video, good job!”

Story Boarding...

Author: Amy /

For our video we found it very difficult to plan out step by step how our video was going to flow from section to section. Due to our use of animation opposed to filmed footage creating a set story board was more difficult then expected. As we collected various images and photographs and planned to use the animation tools that were possible on Adobe Premiere Pro we made a basic outline of how our video was going to form. Our track 'Chorus Of Fools' is about a relationship that is dying out and being reformed again; due to this we obviously wanted to portray this as our main theme and by doing this we wanted to use our photographs and animation to tell the story.
Narrative Theories
Todorov is a Bulgarian structuralist, mainly concerned with linguistic who began to produce influential work on narrative from the 1960s onwards. I believe that his theory relates greatly to my video, Chorus of Fools by The Crookes. His theory consists of three parts Equilibrium, Dis-Equilibrium and New-Equilibrium. The Equilibrium is the normal state of the beginning of the text. My video has a clear beginning; the couple are introduced, their love for each other is made very clear by animations such as love hearts and doves. However, as we reach the middle of the song we see the ‘Dis-Equilibrium’ this is when we see a break up in the happy couples relationship. We made this clear by having animation of pictures torn up, rain and clouds (pathetic phallacy) and sad faces. There is then a clear ending ‘New-Equilibrium’ this is when the couple resolve their conflict and their love for each other is rekindled. This is again clearly reinforced by the animations that we used. I believe for these reasons Todorov narrative theory relates greatly to my video.

Story Board
1) Section One- The introduction to the narrative. Due to our video being in the form of narration and the track having a clear story line we wanted to create the feeling of the relationship being a fairytale a 'story'. Due to this aspect we decided to start our video with the opeing of a book named 'The Crookes', with the story 'Chorus Of Fools' this makes the narrative clear and also ties in with The Crookes relationship to Literature. The book is the only film footage that we have but due to the overlapping animation it still works well with the rest of the video being animation.

2. Section Two- this is where the audience is introduced to the couple who feature throughout the music video. As the track progresses the lyrics and visuals match as the couple look back on their past relationship, happy memories of the couple walking down 'Love Lane'.

3. Section Three- this is where we wanted to create the sense of time passing. As the song recalls looking on the past we thought that the animation of a clock would be the most appropriate and effective way of conveying time passing. With the relationship changing, the dove flying across represents the "happy" couple also travelling with time.

4. Section Four- Here is where the couple our at their happiest and strongest, their wedding day. We thought this would be the best, most romantic way to convey the love that the couple used to share. Using cupid as an added symbol of love and using the flowers to create the added mood of passion.

5. Section Five- This is where we see a turn for the worst in the couples relationship. As the lyrics change to reflect negative feelings of the relationship we knew that we had to change the feeling of the visuals too, again to match the visuals with the lyrics. To represent this we used pathetic phallacy; bad weather acting as a warning to a bad storm in the relationship. We also split the photograph in half to act symbolic as the break in the relationship.

6. Section Six- this is the section where the relationship begins to return to how it used to be. As the couple reflect more on the past they see the fun that they used to have, looking back on memories at the beach, with their friends and generally living life together, happy. Again we matched the visuals with the lyrics.

7. Section 7- This is where the couple look back at their childhood memories. When they first fell in love, it acts as the point in which their love for eachother is rekindled.

8. Section Eight- As the track quickens in pace we decided to reverse some of our animition feautured earlier to portray the couple going back on the good times in their relationship and forgetting the past.

9. Section Nine- This is the final part of the video. Here we again finished with the filmed footage of the book, this time it closing with a cliched happy ending. The heart animation representing their rekindled love.

its all about learning...

Author: Amy /

Throughout or project we have learnt lots of new skills and developed our knowledge. However, i believe that using Adobe Premiere Pro was our biggest challenge, by choosing to create our intire video using the animation from the programme we knew we had a lot to learn! Here are some screen prints of the techniques that we used and the skills we developed whilst using the programme.
Here you can see we used many different techniques:
  • Changing the opacity levels

  • Changing the speed and direction
  • Rotating the animation

  • Changing the scale
  • Changing the path of animation

  • Increasing/decreasing saturation levels

  • Using Four-point key tool

  • Changing key frames

  • Overlapping layers

  • Cutting and cropping animation
  • Using film grains and other overlays

There were many skills and techniques that i developed and as our knowledge of the programme developed our video grew in fluenty.

My own personal skills have greatened so much throughout the music video production work, my main skills that have improved and developed have been using Adobe programmes both Adobe Premier Pro and Adobe Photoshop. From the basics of cutting out images using the magnetic lasoo tool, too animating key frames. Throughout the project using these two particular prgrammes has made me feel much more confident and able and i believe this is apparent in my work. I now have a greater understanding of the process that is involved in Music video production, Research stages, to Planning and the final production stages. I had no idea how much time, effort and hardwork was put into making a music video! Although from the beginning our video was ambitious in our idea to use animation, i never thought it would be this hard! However, the hard work certainly paid off and im very happy with out final video and how much i have learnt.My skills for teamwork has progressed, working well and making sure all ideas were took on board was difficult yet we found a way round it. All members of my group were creative and this is what made our video distinctive and perfect for the Crookes. Once we shared our ideas we came to compromises which worked out the best and made our video effective.

Media attention...

Author: Amy /


Animation Vs film footage.

Author: Amy /

After collecting, collecting and collecting photographs and ideas we had to think carefully about the decision to keep the idea of film and animation or to wipe that clean and just have animation. Our main reasoning for the original idea of using animation for the Crookes video was due to their poetical and lyrical background and sound. We had to keep the origins of the band in mind as well as the target audience and genre of the band. As our confidence grew with the use of Photoshop and Adobe Premiere Pro we decided that we wanted our video to consist only of animation. This allowed us to play with our ideas freely, tell a story using images and also to be unique; just like the indie band themselves. With the song being 'Chorus of Fools' we had a story idea and the lyrics to this song gave us it. With the main idea of the song being about a relationship which has broken and been missed, with hope of returning, we found the use of images and the extra help of brush tools amoungst others, really kept us on track with our narrative. This in turn connected the lyrics with the visuals and we know that this is very important when producing a music video.
Test Footage:

We have used a range of images to test how we will be using key frames and to gain an understanding of building up an image, made out of a variety of other images. It allowed us to play with the effects and just get to grips with the programme and greaten our undertanding of it. We are pleased with the effect of the trial it helped us to see how the programme was going to work, how we would use key frames and how we can overlap layers etc.
The test footage has been very important to us, as we have now gained an understanding of how we will create our own video.

Here i have also included our test fiilmed footage. Due to our use of animation we didnt need much footage at all, however the sort filmed footage we did get we edited and minipulated to how we wanted it on Adobe Premiere Pro. This in turn allowed us to create the effect we wanted to connect with the rest of the animation that we created. Using the sepia tone and an old-grain overlay we were easily able to create this 1950s tone that flows throughout our video.

Chorus of Fools Music video (8)

Author: Amy /

Chorus Of Fools...(8)
The inspiration from the Maccabees music video 'Tooth Paste Kisses' inspired us by its poetic and fairytale like mood and theme. The Crookes are a very successful band and their main influeneces is due to their early studies of English Language and Literature. In their interview they continually quote that the lyrics and theme of their songs flow from the knowledge and passion that they have as English students.

What inspires you?
Musically.. the above, and i guess as all English Literature students we're pretty inspired by different types of literature.

What are the main themes or topics that arise in your music?
Daniel uses a lot of literary references in the lyrics, the songs are often about fictional people who become the basis for a story. The songs are normally stories opposed to self-indulagent love songs.

'Chorus of fools' is one of the Crookes favourite songs this is due to the poet lyrics and beat which it consists of. This therefore has a massive influence of the band as a whole; lyrics, beat and look. The Crookes are also very family orientated and down to earth.

What’s the origin of your band name?
Well it was mine (Alex) and Daniel's idea really, we lived in Crookes in our first year of university and opposite the road from our accomidation was a sign for 'Crookes' so we went from there really.

Here you can see importance of their home ties and how much it has influenced the band- leading to the bands name. This is a big reason why we have chosen to include family photographs and images of our own and our home roots in our music video. We think that the band would love this idea as it gives background knowledge of the band to the audience.
'Toothpaste Kisses' is a unique video with very different ideas to a traditional music video, so we thought this video production would be appropriate for the Crookes. The style and animation of our music video will evoke the poetic and lyrical vibe that the band has. The huge influence of the band and their poetic and literacal background has inspired us to take this aspect further. The animations will enable us to play around with the images and create a music video which will give The Crookes justice. We will collect images and photographs from the 1950s, we want to collect photographs which have a meaning to us; therefore we will collect photographs from our older generations to add the family background which the Crookes have. By collecting numerous amounts of photoraphs we will use these as our basis to the video. Using Adobe Premiere Pro we will animate our collected photographs. Due to never using this particular programme before we have found experimenting ad learning to use it very enjoyable and have used this project and particular task as another learning kurb. Using affects such as 'overlaying' 'speed/duration' and lighting affects amoungst many others we will create an exciting and poetic video, influenced greatly by the Maccabees video 'Toothpaste kisses'. We want to keep to the cheeky and fun aspect that the Crookes have and 'Chorus of fools' allows us to do this freely as well as telling a narrative; we collected many other images and background images to help us do this, as well as downloading and using Adobe Photoshop 3 brushes and tools. (again reinforcing our skills on the programmes) We want to keep the theme of the 1950s and we will add to this by having the video in the Sepia Tone effect, but making sure we are keeping the true colour of the 1950s photographs which have collected, to keep their authenticity. In certain parts of the music video to again enhance the poetic and lyrical theme we will but emphasis on certain lyrics to make them speak out to the audience.
Due to the use of animation we needed to make sure that we collect all our 1950s era photographs by the early December in order to edit them on photoshop to use in our production.
The images need to be cut out within a week of collecting them so we could get started on our music video animation asap.The filmed footaged isn't our main priority at the beginning, however once we collected our images we wanted to get our filmed footage complete so we can begin to structure our video as we needed to know the timing etc of the filmed footage.
Start the editing process: upload song by 18th December, ready for editing in January. Editing was going to take the longest due to us using animation. Due to our lack of previous knowledge of Adobe premiere Pro we knew that the editing was going to last throughout our project. However, once we got to grips with the programme the video came together in time for the end date.
Complete: 5th Februrary 2010
Complete Digipak: 5th March 2010.
Complete Magazine Advert: 2nd April
As we are more conifdent and familiar with the editing process, it will be much faster to complete the edits. Due to having three members in my group we decided that the best way to manage our time and stop people getting restless was to alicate certain jobs. For instance one person would edit the animation, one would edit photographs on photoshop and the other would work on the blog or collect images etc. This worked well and made us as a group work successfully together without any problems. We do not need any actors or cast for the video, as we are not using conventional footage of the band or narrative. We collected images that we needed from ancestors and we also used photoshop brush tools and other images to help us create the correct look for our video.
We will need to go to a few locations in order to gather images:Elm StreetTomblandCentre of Norwich, River.
Health & Safety/ Risk Asessment:
Lots of breaks, water and chocolate! due to hours of editing we each took breaks to prevent headaches from the computer screens etc. Other than that our only other issue was to make sure we used the camera equipment correctly.
Risk Assessment, In any music video production it is important to consider the different aspects required in a Health and Safety assessment, making sure all runs smoothly!

Giving them justice...

Author: Amy /

Due to numerous hours of trying to create the correct video for the band we came to a conclusion that our music video for The Crookes was going to be something very different, a video that could be seen as going against convention and a video that is both poetic and imaginative. Due to the huge inspiration from the Maccabees video 'Toothpaste kisses' we decided that the only way of giving the Crookes poetic and beautifully written song justice was to use imagery as a way of telling a story; a narrative to match the Crookes lyrics.

We began to collect our own personal photographs from our older generations, photographs which came from the 1950s; the era of which the band focus themselves on, by collecting photographs from our families, this again tied in with the theme of family roots and being British. The Crookes as mentioned previously got their band name from the road they were living on when the band formed, a very personal thing. Here are some photographs which we collected:

Chorus Of Fools Lyrics

Author: Amy /

Chorus of Fools Lyrics, complete with annotation to guide our music video idea. We particularly like the reference to light and dark, and the idea of coldness... These ideas we will play with in our music video production- We love how these aspects fit in with the fact that this song is about a break up of a relationship.We can play with the idea of fate that is mentioned throughout the song and the poetic imagery of which is built up throughout. The lyrics are a great basis for us to play with and evolve our initial ideas when hearing the song.

Branding & Marketing

Author: Amy /

In Music Videos.
Branding is especially important in music videos; it is all involving promotion of the band/artist and focusing on pushing forward their own visual representation. Music videos not only show off the bands own style, it also can present the band and give them recognition relating to success and status. Knowing that branding holds such importance i knew that i had to brand and promote my band in the correct way to represent them in the correct way.
In a narrative music video, this can be used in order to market the band, usually these videos are more suggestive, rather than realistic, making it easier for the audience to watch the video over and over. The visuals hold the story and need to flow fluently to work well. This is important as a way to draw in the audience, as realism can sometimes be repitive and boring and not interest the target audience; this is a way to draw in their attention. Repeatability is also very important in music videos, in order to market the band, this is needed to stick ideas in their mind; this can relate to representation of the band and how they are perceived by the public. It is a way of the band cummincating with their audience; the idea of repeatability is usually common in the chorus, with a range of shots that are shown numerous times, making it stick in the audiences mind.
Videos can be used to increase sales, reach out the the correct target audience and even promote other brands or businesses. Music videos are very powerful in terms of branding, whether it is the artist or other contributors; it can be a very clever aspect of the music industry to develop the persona of the artists. Branding goes way beyond just the music video, it is followed through with merchandising, visuals and artwork, how they are percieved in the media, photography, press releases, logos and performance style.
In our music video for The Crookes, we are going to focus on creating a distinct look for the band as a part of the branding and representation of the band. We want to percieve the band in the correct way to represent them how they want and show be represented to the public. The Crookes are an indie/folk band and we will brand and promote them in the correct way to achieve this genre. However, as we are branding towards niche subcultures it is extremely important that we get our marketing and representation correct, this holds great importance and we know that this could determine the success of a band or artist.
We will use visual elements to relate to the band and the genre of music, and focus on styling and appearance to create a unique look- this is all a huge part of branding, as well as artwork and making sure we focus on the ideas behind, sub-cultures and niche markets. This can also be achieved in the other promotional stratedgies i.e. the Digipak and Magazine Advertisement. It will be important that in our music video we take ideas from within the bands style, as to draw in the correct target audience and to represent them in the correct way. As they have such a distinct style, we will need to show their branding as independent, quirky and creative, appealing to their sub-culture.
The use of the variety of texts together creates a good way to market The Crookes .With the Digipak, Advert and the Video together, it is key to understand the importance of the three texts working together as a marketing tool for the band. It is done to present thier brand and identity as a band, it works as a way of recognising the band, a way of being represented correctly to their target audience.

Music Video Codes & Conventions

Author: Amy /

Codes & Conventions

Music videos are generally made up of a key set of conventions; things that you are most likely to see in music videos, or stereotypically. Generally codes and conventions change according to the genre of the band/artist, however common aspects usually appear.

Andrew Goodwins theory

There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the lyrics.- There is a relationship between the music and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the music.- Genres are complex and diverse in terms of music video style and iconography- Record companies will demand a lot of close-ups of the main artist or vocalist- Voyeurism is present in many music videos, especially in the treatment of females, but also in terms of systems of looking. Some examples are screens within screens, cameras, mirrors, etc.- there are likely to be intertextual references, either to other music videos or to films and TV texts, these provide further gratification and pleasure for the viewers/fans.
I like Andrew Goodwings theory as i love the connection between the visuals and lyrics.
Our track 'Chorus Of Fools' is about a relationship that is dying out and being reformed again; due to this we obviously wanted to portray this as our main theme and by doing this we wanted to use our photographs and animation to tell the story. Todorov is a Bulgarian structuralist, mainly concerned with linguistic who began to produce influential work on narrative from the 1960s onwards. I believe that his theory relates greatly to my video, Chorus of Fools by The Crookes. His theory consists of three parts Equilibrium, Dis-Equilibrium and New-Equilibrium. The Equilibrium is the normal state of the beginning of the text. My video has a clear beginning; the couple are introduced, their love for each other is made very clear by animations such as love hearts and doves. However, as we reach the middle of the song we see the ‘Dis-Equilibrium’ this is when we see a break up in the happy couples relationship. We made this clear by having animation of pictures torn up, rain and clouds (pathetic phallacy) and sad faces. There is then a clear ending ‘New-Equilibrium’ this is when the couple resolve their conflict and their love for each other is rekindled. This is again clearly reinforced by the animations that we used. I believe for these reasons Todorov narrative theory relates greatly to my video.

John Stewarts theory

Music videos have the aesthetics of a TV commercial, with lots of close-ups and lighting being used to focus on the lead artists face. Visual references in music videos come from a range of sources, although the 3 most frequent are cinema, fashion and art photography. The music video is “incorporating, raiding and reconstructing”, essentially the essence of intertextuality, taking what the audience may find familiar, to generate both nostalgic associations and new meanings. The music video allows more access to the performer than a stage performance can. In particular the mise-en-scene, can be used to emphasise and create an aspirational lifestyle.
Different types of music videos & conventions

Illustrated music videos usually include performance or narration and generally illustrate lyrics and visualise the music. This type of music video is quite simple and is also known as ‘denotation’ of the song, it communicates the idea behind the song and the visuals and lyrics are usually closely related. In our video although we used animation we have a clear narrative which is shown by visuals and imagery. Alot of our animation/ visuals illustraste the lyrics and enhance the mood and feeling of the track.
Amplification- the conventions of this type of music video combine both music performance and narrative, they tend to amplify the idea behind the music and lyrics and go toward a creative interpretation, not always so simplistic. This type of video generally include unique ideas, often with a sense of surrealism or make-believe, however always have a direct to the song, also known as connotative, usually linking to the song, title or artist.
Disjuncture- this video type usually concludes of rather abstract ideas, with no true link to the music, title, lyrics or artist. In general these videos are very disjointed from the nature of the song and can have quite a strong effect, if done in an effective manner. I believe that this type of video would not work for our band The Crookes. Although this type can have a very strong effect i believe it does not relate well to our band. Our video shows a clear relationship between the band, the visuals and the lyrics. We choose to relate all of these things as we see the band as a more loveable and freindly one oppossed to them being disjointed and apart.
Active or Passive?
The audience is active rather than passive. The audience uses the media for thier own gratification, rather than being used by the media, the audience has the power to make their own decisions about a music video and why. The video offers escapism, but also reality allowing the target audience to identify with the video.
This does fit into our music video, the video offers escapism, but also touches ground with reality allowing the target audience to identify with the video. The audience can easily relate to our video. It covers the conventional family traditions (marriage/children/house/job etc.)


Author: Amy /

One of the locations is as pictured above,the Wroxham broads... We really like the nautical feel here and the scenery surrounding the broads is very picturesque.
This idea would represent the things that you do in a relationship; the togetherness and romanticism and the fun parts of being together... We could present footage in this way including the surrounding area, but contradict this with other footage in order to link with the story line in this song.

Mood Boards...(8)

Author: Amy /

Location Ideas...

Author: Amy /

We have looked into our location in great detail and have decided that it is probably not suitable. Originally we thought Brittania Pier was unspoilt and unmodernised. We have looked into this and it has been modernised alot, therefore not suiting the bands image or the ideas we had for the video.
We have looked at many alternative locations including:
- Elm Hill, Norwich and
- Wroxham Broads (pictures above)
The main problem we are facing in filming outside is obviously the weather. Ideally our video would be set outdoors as we think this would work well and really tell the story, but if the lighting isn't right, it could spoil it. The only other option is to film it in the studio. The main idea for a studio video would have to be as if the band are performing, but we could possibly add some extra footage in with the band at different locations.

These Ideas of locations are inspired by the sound of the band... We want the location to mirror the musicality and creative aspect of the band so that you can see the link and so that the style is shown clearly. This idea would enhance the genre of the band but also help to communicate further the time periods that inspire the band in itself.

We have explored into location a lot, originally looking into shooting at Britannia pier, as we wanted to use unspoilt and old fashioned locations, however it was not suitable, as the area is very commercialised and we do not want this feel in our video- we really want to create of which is almost a fictional world in today's society.
Other locations that we have looked into include Elm Hill (we really love how it has maintained the olden days feel), Wroxham Broads, The Close and areas surrounding Norwich Cathedral (again for the unspoilt location).
Some main problems that we need to take into consideration include the weather and complications that could arise on shoot, so at the moment we are looking into other ways that we could incorporate these locations in order to build up this strong vintage/nostalgic feel, whilst maintaining a professional finish. We really want to include the outdoors in this video as the song is very upbeat and I feel that the songs by the crookes in particular communicates a sense of Britishness and we would like to present british scenery as it goes into the roots of the band also, however if the lighting is not correct it could ruin the whole look for the video so we need to find a way to work around this.


Author: Amy /